Sunday, July 23, 2006

No Sense of Humor, But A Helluva Lot of Nerve

[Warning - I am in rant mode. Please excuse my language]

They may not have a sense of humor, but chutzpah they have in spades.

I've been reading blogs and listening to the radio for the past week, and I've noticed something that has increasingly made me angry. Here and there, between the bulletins about rockets falling and the human interest stories about how the people in bomb shelters are dealing with the situation, the media interviews "experts" - feminists all, who complain about one thing.

They don't like the "kol haGavri" (the male voice). This is the buzzword that the feminists use to kvetch about how "male dominated" the war has been (conveniently ignoring the fact that there are female fighter pilots over the skies of Lebanon and that the spokesman for the IDF happens to be a spokeswoman).

They think that the male, aggressive side is being too dominant now - and they want to hear more "talking it out" and negotiating. (Now, now, Hassan, we use our words and not our rockets....)

Shulamit Aloni went as far as to say that the IDF has an indecent drive to kill. (Good morning Shula - our army actually wants to kill the enemy...who woulda thought?)

I can't stand it anymore, and I have to ask all of the feminists in Israel who are complaining just one simple question.

Where the hell do you think you live?

Listen carefully, and I'll tell you where you live. You live in a place where there are maniacs on our northern border who want, in the best-case scenario, to put you in a head-to-toe black shroud. In the worst-case scenario they want to kill every Jew in Israel. Yeah, even those Jews who live in Tel-Aviv. Yeah, even the ones who use their words and talk it out.

You know those IDF soldiers who you complain are "too macho"? I know some of them. Three of my neighbors are on their way to the north right now. These men rock their babies to sleep, hang up the laundry, and help their wives with the cooking, in addition to working full time jobs to support their families.

You know what else they sometimes do? When other people are in danger they put on a uniform and they kick butt.

Instead of complaining you should be grateful that they have the guts to do it - because it is you who they are risking their lives to save.

I'll be the first to say "Hurray for testosterone!" I thank G-d that I live in a country where the men don't hide behind the women and children but stand in front of them and fight. And I think the feminists should realize that their freedom to open their mouths and complain comes directly from this "kol HaGavri".


Blogger JJ said...

Damn straight, WBM!

Shulamit Aloni...ugh, don't even get me started.

"Now, now, Hassan, we use our words and not our rockets.."- LOL!

6:47 PM, July 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nail on the head, wbmama!

you know, most of the time i lean towards the dovish, but deep within me lies dormant a ferocious mother tiger. she doesn't come out much, unless i start to feel that those around me whom i love are being threatened in some way, usually, she protects my children. but in this past week, she has been rearing her awesome head... even my husband has been slightly shocked at her/my ferocity.

my husband, though not a soldier anymore (his unit was retired) fits your profile. i know that he is just itching to put on his uniform. i am in awe of our soldiers, men and women, and what they are doing for us.

7:37 PM, July 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

::::applause, applause:::: From an American female supporter of Israel! Silly women prattling and twittering on with words? Nay, a thousand times nay, when words and diplomacy become nothing more than insincere tactical delays, I much prefer bombs and butt-kicking, pardon my bluntness, but I am weary of words and promises of peace which never comes to Israel and her people no matter how much she gives and gives.

Words, words, words, diplomacy, diplomacy, diplomacy - what have words resolved? Words and diplomacy will not protect the sovereign State of Israel and her people against those who seek her annihilation. I hate war, I hate the death of innocents, but I also know there comes a time when words and diplomacy become nothing more than mere strategic tactics of war themselves when diplomacy is used only to delay with one party having no itention whatsoever of negotiating lasting peace (I hear Syria is starting its whining for diplomatic talks with my country now - your brave soldiers must really be kicking some serious butt in the North, for from where I sit, when the aggressors, or their surrogates, start squealing for diplomatic talks and cease fires, it usually means the Hebrew nation's IDF has got the upper hand on the battlefield.

When endless words and diplomatic endeavors become nothing more than stragetic delaying tactics without end (do tell, how many times did the American Clinton presidential administration send envoys to trade diplomatic words with Syria in the 1990's? At LEAST a dozen times by my count, if not more. To what avail? None whatsoever, as evidenced by the invasion of Israel's sovereign soil to kidnap and kill her soldiers.)

I am sorry, but there comes a time, when all peaceful means have failed (because half of the negotiators never intended to make peace to begin with), that men must fight with bullets and bombs to secure and keep safe both their Homeland AND their families. Thank G-d for such men who leave their jobs and families to stand and fight so that they will have jobs and families to come home to.

Israel fights not only for her very survival as a nation, but I believe she is currently fighting the front line battle for the entire civilized world. Pardon me please, if you think my words too dramatic and colorful, but 9/11 and so much more lingers in the back of my mind...

I LIKE the fact that courageous, honorable men are willing to PROTECT and DEFEND we women and our children! Rant on, rant on and G-dspeed the IDF to as swift a victory as this kind of war permits and keep them safe. ("this kind of war" refers to fighting an enemy who cowardly shields itself with innocents, spews propaganda and prepares staged events for the often all-too-willing and gullible media cameras collective consumption and uses religious shrines to hide its ordnance and weapons of war.)

Please tell me Israel has made every attempt to clear civilians out of southern Lebanon because the IDF intends, with our blessing I hope, to do whatever it takes to remove and demolish the enemy's ability to harm Israel and her pepole from the North.

G-dspeed you all, the L-rd's anointed!

7:40 PM, July 23, 2006  
Blogger Rafi G. said...

you tell 'er, Mama!!

8:25 PM, July 23, 2006  
Blogger Thuunda said... go girl! :)

Well said! I think feminism is a kind of offspring from liberalism which I am convinced is some kinda mental disorder :).

Did anyone notice how the world seems to jump on this opportunity to condemn Israel further and to use the opportunity to jusitify their display of their utter hatred of Israel. It seems like the whole world hates Israel (or I got that impression after visiting LGF just now). Disgusting!

Go IDF! Do what you have to do and don't stop until the job is done!

9:08 PM, July 23, 2006  
Blogger M. Simon said...

You will like this one:

Human Shields

10:10 PM, July 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen brother. God help these feminists if they ever have to live under Hezbollah rule. To be taking issue with Israel in any way right now, with troops in harm's way and the north country under constant rocket attack, is utterly absurd and worthy of fierce rebuke. Maybe the best plan would be to creat a unit of feminists and use them to clean out the Bekaa?

5:15 AM, July 24, 2006  
Blogger Rafi G. said...

even my wife enjoyed this post!!

11:07 AM, July 24, 2006  
Blogger nanc said...

women offended by the mere thought of men are laden with tostesterone cajones - and probably have to shave each morning. feminists have done very few good things and then forgot to stop. they are the reason for the decline in the family and the reason we have so many whimpy men now!

i love men and everything about them - that is what G-d made me for.

caught your site at madzionist.

11:18 PM, July 24, 2006  
Blogger tafka PP said...

Ok, WBM.

I'm assuming my post is one of the ones which has inspired this one. And that you didn't read the reply I wrote to you when you commented in a similar vein on my post before you wrote it.

So I'll make my position perfectly clear here and hope that you will both read it and reply to it.

Complaining that there are more men on TV being chosen to commentate on non-military subjects during times of war does NOT automatically qualify me as a man-hater, a blind person not being aware that we are at war with crazy terrorists, or an unappreciative/ungrateful ostrich. I find that implication offensive IN THE EXTREME. (Especially as I personally have many friends and family fighting/in the affected areas right now and am as worried as the next Israeli)

And I also take offence to the fact that you are putting words into people's mouths to make your points: Who complained about "too macho"? "Too Much Testosterone"? It is YOU who are adding all these meanings into what we are writing, nobody else! I'm entitled to be distressed at the over-emphasis on Militarism within Israeli culture. This is something that disturbs me as an educated person and as a Jew, especially when I see it filter through to affect all segments of Israeli society to it's detriment (in non-wartime).

I don't know where all your venom is coming from, but your outright fury towards feminists is truly troubling to me as someone who has enjoyed blog discourse with you up until this point, especially being as it is based upon presumption as opposed to anything that has been written (I checked Lisa, Chayyei Sarah, Yael and Noorster- and still can't find anything which would cause you to come to those conclusions).

I don't see why any of the women (or men, there are plenty) trying to balance their love for Zionism, their fears for their State in wartime, and their distaste for militaristic misogynism deserve such a nasty outpouring.

I'd be happy to hear what you have to say in response.

4:12 PM, July 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Westbankmama, Where the hell do you think YOU live???

Don't you realize that without those brave soldiers, you wouldn't have a vote, an education, the right to be paid or maternity leave? That you would in fact be a piece of property available for acquisition?

Instead of complaining about feminists, you should be grateful that women risked their lives and families (often with tragic results) so that you could be typing this blog today as a free and equal citizen.

So you know those feminists you complain are too vocal? You have a lot to be grateful to them for, and if not them, the movement they represent. Remember that next time you open your mouth to angrily drown out the "Kol HaNashi".

4:42 PM, July 25, 2006  
Blogger nanc said...

someone's letting their tostesterone slip show...

5:44 AM, July 26, 2006  
Blogger westbankmama said...

tafka pp - I hope you noticed the difference in tone of my comment to you and my post here. Your post caused me a bit of annoyance - Shulamit Aloni's comments - specifically "yesh l'chayalim yoter midai yetzer l'harog" set me completely over the edge. Saying that, I firmly stand behind what I said. I think that the fundamental disrespect shown to men by many feminists, especially in Israel, blinds them to some hard facts - and causes damage to our security. Witness the arrogant, "we know better" attitude shown by those sour faced Machsom Watch ladies - who bother our soldiers while they are trying to protect all of us. Instead of calling for a specific investigation of soldiers who may have overstepped their duties while checking Arabs at checkpoints - they generalize that all soldiers are wrong. Prejudice against men because they are male is just as bad as prejudice against women because they are female.

6:49 AM, July 26, 2006  
Blogger tafka PP said...

WBM- fair enough that you have issues with certain groups - or Shulamit Aloni- who label themselves as feminists, but you still are for some reason equating all these voices - including mine- as one. It is a little like if I started claiming that all settlers are Kach activists.

What was in my post that annoyed you? That I don't like watching patronising reporters on television? I never said anything anti-army... Truly, I'm labouring this point because I don't understand. And don't you consider yourself a feminist?

9:12 AM, July 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Nanc", is that supposed to be an insult?

But you are right, WestBankMama's Missile Envy, shall we call it, is sadly out of control. And you're a shameful case too, with your attempts at jokes at the expense of your gender.

10:48 AM, July 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The commenter dh makes a valid point, even if she is aggressive in her expressing of it. Tragically the writer of this blog and the many other women mistakenly confuse these issues and turn each other into enemies.

We are now approaching 9 Av, where we lost our holy temple as a result of similarly baseless hatred. Wounded pride and the seeking of scapegoats is more dangerous for Am Yisrael than any katyusha rocket. Put aside your petty hatreds and remember that we must be united as a people, and that no one person is better than the other in the eyes of G-d.


10:45 AM, July 28, 2006  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Just to clarify matters, this is a different Shira. But the Shira above has a point. This is not the best time of year to dwell on sinat chinam, baseless hatred. Actually, there's no such thing as a good time for sinat chinam.

Please don't assume that all feminists think alike on every issue. There are many shades of feminism. I'm a tallit-and-tefillin-wearing feminist who's praying for the success of the soldiers (male and female) in protecting the people of Israel from harm.

The Jewish People as a whole is stronger when we stand united, whatever our differences of opinion may be. The same is true of Jewish women. Traditionalists and tallit-wearers, we women serve the Jewish People best when we stand united.

8:11 AM, July 31, 2006  

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