Thursday, May 18, 2006

Foreign Aid to Hamas is a Mistake

I've read two well written posts today about the mistake of sending aid to Hamas. First, Carl of Israelmatzav compares the dependence on foreign aid by the Palestinians to an addiction.

Second, Bruce Thornton of the Victor David Hanson site writes in his essay "Fig Leaf Diplomacy":

"The war against jihad will never be won until Muslims themselves are convinced that jihad will fail."....."Unfortunately, in the case of Israel for forty years we have not only failded to show that the wages of jihad is death and failure, but we have indulged, subsidized, and rewarded terrorism."

Read the whole thing.


Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...

You are talkinga bout 2 different concepts here ; Hamas and its islamic concepts of Jihad, and on the other hand Palestinians and receiving aids. First, you should know well that not all Palestinians are Hamas, even some or even a lot of those who voted for Hamas ( I believe you agree with me about this idea ). Second, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is totally irrelated to Jihad and Religion. We have a nation that occupied the land of another ( Israel occupied the land of the arab citizens living in the west-bank ). The problem is not a problem of conflicting beliefs or religions as much as it is a consequence of the Israeli OCCUPATION.
The reason why Palestinians are depending on foreign aids is clear to everyone: Palestine ( as well as anyother OCCUPIED nation or territory ) won't be able to build any economy or establish its own resources of existence. Look at what Israel is doing everyday to ELIMINATE anyhope for a palestinian state ( regardless of its future shape ).
Dont you agree ?

5:28 PM, May 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Disagree. Not all Americans killed on 9/11 would have have wanted the US to invade Afghanistan, and even less would have wanted the US to invade Iraq, either.

Not all Palestinians are Hamas. Yes, others are Fateh/Al-Aqsa, are very likely in one of the PNA's many police forces, and maybe old enough to remember Gamel Abdel Nasser. Oh, yeah, one or two who sold property in Jerusalem to Jews recently, but they were killed by their own kind for it.

Jihad is not a concept with Hamas. It is their
* foreign policy (death to Israel and America)
* domestic policy (sharia)
* educational policy (Protocols of Elders of Zion)
* environmental policy (tunnels)
* family planning policy (breed, breed, breed more martyrs)

9:15 PM, May 18, 2006  
Blogger Osaid Rasheed said...

I see.
The story of the 2 people killed by " THEIR OWN KIND " : is related to what ?
I liked Hamas's family planning policy !! hehehe
Yet you havent made any point regarding the main talk, but thanks.

4:38 PM, May 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You like Hamas's policies as I summarized them?

End of discussion.

1:09 AM, May 20, 2006  

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