Check out BokertovBoulder's reaction to the Kennedy School "report" on the Jewish lobby. Her take is spot on - and raises some serious issues for the Jews in America.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Check out BokertovBoulder's reaction to the Kennedy School "report" on the Jewish lobby. Her take is spot on - and raises some serious issues for the Jews in America.
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i think that's reason #283 why i'm making aliyah.
thanks for the link.
some already are--I have friends here on the Left Coast, in the nation's Bluest County, who have either renounced their Jewishness in favor of being "humanists" because they don't want to be identified with Israel or anything Jewish OR have gone the other way: they are quietly becoming more conservative due to conservative support of Israel and Left-wing bias against Israel, although these friends are still nominally liberal Democrats--who just joined AIPAC.
Excellent referral--BokerTovBoulder's citations are now bookmarked for the next Lefty-liberal anti-Israel feeding frenzy I run into...
Wonder how much Walt got paid under the table by the Saudis for his hit-piece?
bec - yeah, that was part of the reason why I linked to it...
phishaliyah - I think some realize it and some don't
aliyah06 - I'm glad I gave you some more "ammunition" against the feeding frenzy
Oy, WBM - let's not go overboard. It is not exactly a Kennedy School report, just two profs that decided to be clever. Besides, USA has lots of people who do not like us Jooz and do it in stronger terms that these two...
But surely, there is no place like home, here I agree with you.
Thank you very nice information !!
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