Thursday, March 30, 2006

Small Changes to Final Count in Israeli Elections

IDF radio has just announced that the final vote count has been completed (the soldiers vote and the disabled votes). There are a few changes - Kadima is up to 29, Likud is up to 12, and Meretz is up to 5. Shas went down to 12, and Lieberman (Yisrael Beitenu) went down to 11, and the Arab parties down to 9. This is significant for Bibi Netanyahu, in that he will be defacto the opposition leader, and the Likud is now the third largest party, instead of the fifth.

It may make it easier for Kadima to form a coalition, as they can theoretically make a government with Labor, Meretz, and the Retired People's party, and ignore the right wing/Ultra-orthodox parties completely.


Blogger Scottage said...

Yeah, how much do you think it cost Bibi to get that minority leader position? :-)

11:23 AM, March 31, 2006  

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