Tuesday, February 21, 2006

What's the Difference Between an AWAC Plane and a Trial Balloon?

The Jerusalem Post has a short piece today that starts like this, "Israel stepped up its relationship with NATO on Monday..."

It seems that some NATO pilots arrived here in an AWAC plane to visit Israel. I think that it is safe to say that they didn't come here to enjoy a felafel.

With the threat of another world war right around the corner, it is interesting to see the various diplomatic dances being carried out, as countries take the first steps of choosing sides.

This visit seems to be sending a message that Israel is a desirable member of NATO, although the author of the article points out at the end that when the Italian Defense Minister called for Israel to be made a member two weeks ago, his motion was quickly dismissed.


Anonymous Yezef Gawrhat said...

Interesting article, although ain't think Israel needs NATO much, it managed to defeat multiple allied arab countries at once, it's more like NATO needs Israel. What everybody needs though is runescape 3 gold for sale and there's plenty of it to meet the demand.

1:23 PM, July 31, 2018  

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