I just read a very good article in the Jerusalem Post about the Jewish partisans. It seems that the image of the Jews who went to the slaughter passively is very ingrained, and not enough people know about those that actively resisted.
Worth a look.
Perspectives on what is happening in Israel from a family living in a very newsworthy part of the world.
posted by westbankmama at 10:07 AM
What's a nice family like us doing in a place like this? We are an Orthodox Jewish family that moved to Israel in 1991. We learned Hebrew, found work, moved to a nice suburban community 30 minutes from Tel Aviv, had a few kids... Pretty boring, right? It would be, if half the world weren't so obssessed with where we live. The nice suburban community we moved to is in Samaria, in the west bank. When speaking to Israelis or other Orthodox Jews, we refer to the place we live in as the Shomron, using the biblical, Hebrew term for the region. We chose to use west bank in our name because it is more familiar to those who have never heard of the term Shomron. Welcome to all of you interested in reading about what is happening in Israel from the perspective of a family living in a very newsworthy part of the world.
thanks for the link WBM
Interesting. Thanks.
it's true that not a lot of people are educated about the resistance. it wasn't until i took a course specific to the holocaust (it was a high school elective in a secular school) that i even learned that there were jews (other than hannah senesh who i learned about on my own) who stood against the nazis any way they could.
i think i'll forward that link around. thanks!
jerusalemcop - your welcome
jack - I thought so too
bec - good, more people should read about it!
Some required works on this subject (college level, or even high school):
Antek Zuckerman's "A Surplus of Memory" (memoir)
Primo Levi's "If Not Now, When?" (novel)
"Partisans of Vilna" (documentary)
This is a first time visiting. Nice to be here.
jeremayakovka - welcome to my blog, and thank you for tipping others off to my posts. I especially like how you chose your blog name.
WBM, thanks! Please thank Solomonia while you're at it: he posted about you.
Did I choose my name? It kind of ... chose me. (Will post more about that in the near future.)
It's fascinating to learn more about "the settlers" -- to learn, that is, with an open mind. In the 90s, I thought you were "an obstacle to peace". Now reality is fiercer, and more complex. Someone who used to live near me in the US lived on the West Bank for several months. The pictures he showed me were of very happy people.
jeremyakovka - first, I already thanked Solomonia. Second, I am so happy that you are learning about us through my blog - because that is exactly what I intended when I started it (besides giving me an outlet to write, which I enjoy very much).
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