Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I'd Really Like to Comment But.....

I am a conservative person. I don't like to make changes quickly, and my slogan could very well be "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."

I realize though, that in this age of technological advances I am the proverbial stick in the mud. But every once in a while I get proof that my careful ways are the correct ones.

In the past few weeks I have come across a number of blogs that have changed over to the Beta version. I can't see any real difference in the blogs themselves - except when I want to comment. Then I get all kinds of pop-ups, and it takes SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LOOOOOOOOOONG to comment that I give up (I know people who are engaged for less time than it takes to comment on these blogs.....)

Is there a secret password that I am unaware of that will enable me to share my erudite addition to the blog discussion, or is it just one of those annoying things that will fade when the geeks figure out how to fix it? (I say geek with a huge amount of affection, of course, I think pocket protectors are JUST the thing for a man's image...)

Until this mystery is solved I'll just say that I am not ignoring you, and some of you have written meaningful and/or very funny posts (and you of course know who you are without me naming names).


Blogger bec said...

i'm finding the same thing with the beta thing. it's just a hassle so far. however, you can comment by logging in as other, or at least, i think that's what i did.

10:31 PM, October 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I switched my blog over to the new version some weeks back, and other than some code issues, I have not had any problems. The new version does have some advantages and disadvantages, but I have not noticed any problem with the comments taking too long to load or anything. (I do moderate the comments on my blog, so new comments have to wait for my approval)

10:49 PM, October 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, do what bec says and click OTHER, then just input your name and site addy. It's a little more work, but allows you the access.

when I first switched to beta, I had no idea that it was going to be an either or thing, they didn't explain that at all, I just got a prompt to switch . annoying.

8:39 AM, October 08, 2006  
Blogger Batya said...

Beta adds extra "cookies," spies. Sometimes I can't comment to beta because I don't want the spies.

3:28 PM, October 10, 2006  

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