Well, it's still January, for the next few days, so I thought that I would continue to introduce some of the lesser known blogs from my blogroll (with apologies in advance that I don't have enough time to get to all of them....).
A lot of the bloggers that I read are more or less like me - and if you put us all in a room together you could probably not tell us apart.
Then again, I read people who are not like me in one significant way or another, and it makes the whole participation in the blogosphere that much more interesting.
One blog that I try to get to on a regular basis is
OntheFringe, written by Shira. She is probably the closest thing to being an Orthodox Jew without being an Orthodox Jew. Puzzled? Read some of her posts....
A relatively new blogger is JerusalemJoe, who writes
TheIsraeliTikkunBlog. He is a right wing secular Jew who is now exploring his heritage, and sharing this with us. He also writes about psychology, the media, and the connection between Zen and Judaism. Fascinating reading.
Jeremayakovka is a former radical leftist who is now a staunch conservative. He is literary and witty, but down-to-earth enough to wave the American flag in public for hours to commemorate 9/11. This description does not do him justice - go over and read for yourself.
Erica Sherman epitomizes everything great about New York Jews. She is unabashedly proud of being Jewish, and is not afraid to show it. She is also not afraid to make her opinions very clear about many topics, and she loves Yiddish and playing pool with equal passion.
BakaDiary, otherwise known as aliyah06, shares with us her impressions as a very new olah chadasha (new immigrant to Israel). There are so many times that I read her posts and I say to myself, "yes, I remember that, that is
exactly it!"
Then there is the
WalkingforIsrael blog - a really new one for me. This religious couple from Texas is in the process of training in order to walk the Appalachian Trail to raise money for Meir Panim, a well known Israeli charity. Can you imagine being a middle aged couch potato and deciding to leave corporate life to go on a journey like this? It certainly sparks the adventurous spirit in all of us.
I hope to get to more soon - and don't worry, my non-Jewish friends, you are on my list too!