For those readers of mine who do not read
Solomonia, I urge you to do so. His blog is pro-Israel and covers both the national scene and the what happens in the New England area.
He has covered the entire controversy surrounding the visit of "Wheels of Justice", a radical left, pro-Palestinian group to Andover High School, which, despite protests, occurred this past weekend.
This group was
disinvited from another liberal high school in Riverdale, New York, this past spring. Although there were many parents that protested a similar visit to Andover, the liberal powers that be in this high school insisted that it take place.
They didn't bargain for the response, though, and seemed genuinely taken aback by the anger. Solomonia explains his feelings very well, and I am sure many can relate to them. Just a quick quote:
"One last thing, and it's sort of a side note, but I feel it has to be said, however briefly, by way of explanation of the source of at least some of the outrage expressed tonight -- aside from the legal stuff and the protecting children and teaching and all that stuff which I've already gone over multiple times...
You know Jews are in a tough position. They can be quiet and let the slanders, some of very ancient and recognizable heritage, build and build and eventually overwhelm them, or they can speak out and defend themselves. Yet when they defend themselves from the lies as anyone else would, the bigots simply use that to confirm the slanders -- "Aha!" they say, "You see, the Jews do control society...they don't allow criticism...they don't allow open debate!" (I can't wait to read Ron Francis's and Mazin Qumsiyeh's notes to their emails lists all about how the wicked Zionists bullied them tonight.)
There are about
323 million Arabs in the world today, about
1.4 to 1.6 billion Muslims...and there are between
12 and 14 million Jews with 6 million having been killed in one spasm still in living memory while they continue to carry on their backs a particular set of prejudices and hatreds the world directs at Jews and only Jews. Take a look at a map and note what a pin-prick of a country Israel is compared to its enemies, and consider the obscene obsession so many people have with criticizing that country among all others -- the one "Jewish" state.
America is the one country aside from Israel where Jews can live and feel in their bones that they have both built and maintained the foundations of the nation and, due both to these contributions and the founding philosophy of the state, not ever feel that they are guests or outsiders.
Now, given those hard-won comforts here in America, and the traditionally precarious history and present of Jews throughout the world, and those chains of bigotry they bear that their long history has placed on them, and the frequent feeling of "we've seen this before"...and you would have to be a moral infant not to understand much of the outrage expressed in that room tonight while watching slander-merchants like Qumsiyeh operate. And to think this group is focusing on the next generation, and that some people entrusted with your own children's future support this's tough to take.
Fortunately, it wasn't just the Jews who were outraged, and I don't think many people are going to forget what they heard, and what some people foisted on their kids."
Read the whole post